Pandas DataFrame to_string() Method – Explained with examples

The to_string() method in Pandas is used for converting a DataFrame into a neatly formatted string representation. This is particularly useful for displaying the DataFrame in a readable format, either for debugging purposes, logging, or presenting data in text-based reports.

In this blog, we’ll explore the to_string() method in detail, covering its parameters and providing examples to demonstrate its use.

Syntax of to_string()
DataFrame.to_string(buf=None, columns=None, col_space=None, header=True, index=True, na_rep='NaN', formatters=None, float_format=None, sparsify=None, index_names=True, justify=None, max_rows=None, min_rows=None, max_cols=None, show_dimensions=False, decimal='.', line_width=None, max_colwidth=None, encoding=None)
  • buf: File path or object to write to. By default, the result is returned as a string.
  • columns: List of columns to include in the output.
  • col_space: Minimum width of each column.
  • header: Boolean or list of string, default True. Write out the column names.
  • index: Boolean, default True. Write row names (index).
  • na_rep: String representation of missing values.
  • formatters: List or dictionary of functions for formatting values in specified columns.
  • float_format: Formatter function to apply to columns with float values.
  • sparsify: Boolean, default None. Set to False for a DataFrame with a hierarchical index to print every multiindex key at each row.
  • index_names: Boolean, default True. Prints the names of the indexes.
  • justify: Justification of the column labels. Options are 'left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'.
  • max_rows: Maximum number of rows to display before truncating.
  • min_rows: The number of rows to display in the truncated view (default 10).
  • max_cols: Maximum number of columns to display before truncating.
  • show_dimensions: Boolean, default False. Display DataFrame dimensions (number of rows and columns).
  • decimal: Character recognized as decimal point (default is .).
  • line_width: Width to wrap a line in characters.
  • max_colwidth: Max width to truncate each column in characters. Truncates strings by column.
  • encoding: A string representing the encoding to use in the output file.
Return Value

The method returns a string representation of the DataFrame.


Basic Usage

Let’s start with a simple DataFrame and convert it to a string:

import pandas as pd

data = {
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35],
    'City': ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago']

df = pd.DataFrame(data)


      Name  Age         City
0    Alice   25     New York
1      Bob   30  Los Angeles
2  Charlie   35      Chicago

Here, we created a simple DataFrame with three columns: ‘Name’, ‘Age’, and ‘City’. The to_string() method converts the DataFrame into a formatted string representation, making it easy to read and display.

Customizing the Output

You can customize the output using various parameters. For example, let’s change the representation of missing values and format the float values:

data = {
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
    'Age': [25, None, 35],
    'Score': [90.123, 85.456, 78.789]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Define custom formatters for each column
formatters = {
    'Age': '{:.2f}'.format,
    'Score': '${:,.2f}'.format

print(df.to_string(na_rep='N/A', formatters=formatters))


      Name  Age    Score
0    Alice  25.0  $90.12
1      Bob   N/A  $85.46
2  Charlie  35.0  $78.79

Here, we customized the output of the DataFrame by using na_rep parameter to handle missing values and used the formatters parameter to apply custom formatting functions to different columns. The ‘Age’ column is formatted to two decimal places, while the ‘Score’ column is formatted to include a dollar sign and two decimal places. This approach ensures that each column is formatted appropriately without affecting others.

Selecting Specific Columns

You can select specific columns to include in the string output:

print(df.to_string(columns=['Name', 'Score']))


      Name    Score
0    Alice  $90.12
1      Bob  $85.46
2  Charlie  $78.79

In this example, we use the columns parameter to select and display only the ‘Name’ and ‘Score’ columns of the DataFrame. This allows you to focus on specific parts of your data and exclude unnecessary columns from the output.

Displaying Row and Column Counts

To include the dimensions of the DataFrame in the output:



      Name  Age    Score
0    Alice  25.0  $90.12
1      Bob   N/A  $85.46
2  Charlie  35.0  $78.79
3 rows x 3 columns

This example shows how to include the dimensions of the DataFrame (number of rows and columns) in the output using the show_dimensions parameter. This is particularly useful for large DataFrames where you want a quick summary of the data size.

Handling Large DataFrames

For large DataFrames, you might want to limit the number of rows and columns displayed:

large_data = {'A': range(100), 'B': range(100)}
large_df = pd.DataFrame(large_data)
print(large_df.to_string(max_rows=10, max_cols=2))


    A   B
0   0   0
1   1   1
2   2   2
3   3   3
4   4   4
.. ..  ..
95 95  95
96 96  96
97 97  97
98 98  98
99 99  99
[100 rows x 2 columns]

For large DataFrames, you might not want to display all rows and columns. This example limits the output to the first 10 rows and 2 columns using the max_rows and max_cols parameters, making it easier to manage and view large datasets.

When and Why to Use to_string() Method

The to_string() method is particularly useful in several scenarios:

  1. Readable Output for Debugging: When debugging your code, you often need to inspect DataFrames. Using to_string() allows you to convert the DataFrame to a neatly formatted string, making it easier to read and understand the data structure and contents.
  2. Logging DataFrames: If you’re logging the state of a DataFrame to a file or console, to_string() provides a clear and formatted output, ensuring that the logged data is easy to read and analyze later.
  3. Generating Text-Based Reports: When creating text-based reports or documentation, to_string() helps in embedding DataFrame contents in a readable format. This is useful for generating summaries or exporting data as plain text.
  4. Emailing Data: If you need to email the contents of a DataFrame, converting it to a string ensures that the data is presented in a clean and organized manner, making it easier for recipients to read.
  5. Command-Line Interfaces (CLIs): In command-line applications, to_string() can be used to print DataFrame contents in a human-readable format directly to the terminal, enhancing the user experience.
  6. Small Datasets: For smaller datasets, to_string() provides a quick and simple way to display the entire DataFrame without needing to deal with truncation or ellipses that might occur with default display settings.
Example Use Cases

i) Debugging:


This helps in checking the DataFrame’s contents during code development or troubleshooting.

ii) Logging:

  with open('log.txt', 'w') as file:

This ensures that the DataFrame’s state is recorded in a log file in a readable format.

ii) Report Generation:

  report = f"Data Summary:\n{df.to_string()}"

This embeds the DataFrame into a text report, making it easy to share and review.

By using to_string(), you ensure that your DataFrame’s output is clear and well-formatted, making it an invaluable tool for debugging, logging, reporting, and more.


The to_string() method is a useful tool in Pandas for creating a string representation of a DataFrame with various formatting options. Whether you need a quick look at your data or a nicely formatted output for reports, to_string() provides the flexibility to tailor the output to your needs. Experiment with the parameters to get the desired output for your specific use case.

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