Pandas DataFrame.set_index() – Explained with examples

Pandas is a powerful and flexible data manipulation library in Python. One of the fundamental structures in Pandas is the DataFrame, which is essentially a two-dimensional, size-mutable, and potentially heterogeneous tabular data structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). One of the common operations you might perform on a DataFrame is setting an index, and Pandas provides a convenient method for this: DataFrame.set_index().

What is an Index?

In the context of Pandas, an index is a label that uniquely identifies each row in the DataFrame. By default, Pandas assigns an integer-based index to the DataFrame, starting from 0. However, you can set one or more columns of the DataFrame as the index to better represent the data.

Why Set an Index?

Setting an index can help with:

  • Data Alignment: Ensures data alignment during operations.
  • Data Lookups: Facilitates faster lookups and data manipulation.
  • Data Representation: Provides a more meaningful and readable data representation.
The set_index() Method

The set_index() method in Pandas allows you to set one or more existing columns of the DataFrame as its index. The syntax for the method is as follows:

DataFrame.set_index(keys, drop=True, append=False, inplace=False, verify_integrity=False)
  • keys: A single label or a list of labels. This specifies the column(s) to set as the index.
  • drop: Boolean, default True. If True, it removes the column(s) used as the new index from the DataFrame. If False, the column(s) are retained.
  • append: Boolean, default False. If True, it appends the column(s) to the existing index.
  • inplace: Boolean, default False. If True, it modifies the DataFrame in place (without creating a new object) and returns None.
  • verify_integrity: Boolean, default False. If True, it checks for duplicate values in the new index and raises an error if any are found.


Let’s walk through some examples to see how set_index() works in practice

Example 1: Basic Usage

We start with a simple DataFrame that contains three columns: Name, Age, and City.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35, 40],
    'City': ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston']

df = pd.DataFrame(data)


      Name  Age         City
0    Alice   25     New York
1      Bob   30  Los Angeles
2  Charlie   35      Chicago
3    David   40      Houston

This DataFrame shows a list of people along with their ages and the cities they live in. By default, the DataFrame has an integer index starting from 0.

We use the set_index() method to set the Name column as the index of the DataFrame:

df_indexed = df.set_index('Name')


         Age         City
Alice      25     New York
Bob        30  Los Angeles
Charlie    35      Chicago
David      40      Houston

In this modified DataFrame, the Name column becomes the index. This means each row is now identified by the person’s name instead of a sequential integer. The original Name column is dropped from the DataFrame because drop=True by default.

Example 2: Retaining the Original Column

In some cases, you might want to keep the original column in the DataFrame even after setting it as the index. To do this, you can use the drop=False parameter:

df_indexed = df.set_index('Name', drop=False)


            Name  Age         City
Alice      Alice   25     New York
Bob          Bob   30  Los Angeles
Charlie  Charlie   35      Chicago
David      David   40      Houston

Here, the Name column is used as the index, but it is also retained as a column in the DataFrame. This can be useful when you need the index for identification but still want to keep the original column data accessible.

Example 3: Setting Multiple Columns as Index

You can set multiple columns as the index by passing a list of column names to the set_index() method. This creates a MultiIndex (hierarchical index) in the DataFrame:

df_multi_indexed = df.set_index(['City', 'Name'])


City        Name     
New York    Alice   25
Los Angeles Bob     30
Chicago     Charlie 35
Houston     David   40

In this case, both City and Name columns are used as the index. Each row is now uniquely identified by a combination of City and Name. This hierarchical indexing can be very useful for more complex data structures and for performing advanced data operations like grouping and aggregating.

Example 4: Modifying the DataFrame In-Place

If you want to modify the original DataFrame directly without creating a new one, you can use the inplace=True parameter:

df.set_index('Name', inplace=True)


         Age         City
Alice      25     New York
Bob        30  Los Angeles
Charlie    35      Chicago
David      40      Houston

Here, the original DataFrame df is modified in place. The Name column becomes the index, and the DataFrame no longer has the Name column as a separate entity. Instead of creating a new DataFrame, the changes are applied directly to df.


By setting the index in different ways, you can manipulate your DataFrame to suit your needs better. Whether it’s making data more accessible, enabling complex data operations, or simply making your DataFrame more readable, set_index() is a versatile and powerful method in the Pandas library. Understanding how to use it effectively will enhance your data manipulation capabilities in Python.

Happy Coding!!!

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